Radiation-induced alteration of meta-chart
Neutron irradiation, rock-forming minerals, amorphization, metamictication, volume expansionAbstract
Concrete aggregate identified as “meta-chart” was irradiated with gamma-rays and neutrons. To identify the volume expansion of the aggregate under neutron irradiation, the following analyses were performed for pristine and irradiated α-quartz and meta-chart: X-ray diffraction (XRD)/Rietveld analysis, dimension change, water pycnometry, He-pycnometry, light optical microscopy (LOM), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). From the difference of volume expansion observed from dimension change and water / helium pycnometry, the crack opening inside the aggregate subjected to irradiation was elucidated, and this was confirmed by LOM and SEM analysis. The crack contribution to the expansion of the aggregate was significant for neutron fluence > 6.99 × 1019 n/cm2, for E ≧ 0.01 MeV. Based on the XRD analysis, changes in lattice parameters were identified and the cell volume expansion was compared with the data by helium pycnometry. ased on the density change calculation and phase calculation data, the density of X-ray amorphous phase was consistent with that of expanded crystal quartz.
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Submitted: 2022-09-10 01:38:30 UTC
Published: 2022-09-29 01:59:51 UTC
Copyright (c) 2022
Ippei Maruyama
Toshiaki Kondo
Shohei Sawada
Patricie Halodova
Alica Fedorikova
Takahiro Ohkubo
Kenta Murakami
Takafumi Igari
Elena Tajuelo Rodriguez
Kiyoteru Suzuki

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