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South Korea's Democracy on the Brink of Death

Political Polarization and the Diabolical Soundscape


  • Kiseong Kim Graduate Faculty of Interdisciplinary Research, Graduate School, University of Yamanashi



Democracy, Political Polarization, Deliberative Democracy, Political Discourse, Korean Politics


    Following the democratization of the South Korean political landscape in 1987,the nation has undergone a transition from an authoritarian regime to a democratic system. However, in recent years, the nation has experienced an intensification of political polarization, which has placed democracy in crisis. The political landscape is dominated by two major parties representing the conservative and progressive camps, respectively. These opposing factions have come to view each other not as legitimate political competitors but as enemies to be eradicated. This antagonism has also led to a sharp increase in emotional polarization among their supporters. This ongoing polarization underscores the enduring influence of the nation's historical trajectory, particularly the lingering memory of ideological adversaries from the Cold War era, the period of political repression during military authoritarianism, and the triumph of the pro-democracy movement which was legitimized by the delegitimization of authoritarian rule. The current state of extreme political polarization in South Korea has consequently engendered a critical crisis within the nation's democratic system. To address this crisis, it is imperative that consensus-based democratic institutions be expanded in order to mitigate the effects of polarization. Furthermore, for South Korean democracy to evolve beyond the current state of hatred and toward a more inclusive and rational environment, deliberative democratic solutions must be implemented.

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The author declare no conflicts of interest associated with this manuscript.

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Submitted: 2025-03-02 03:10:14 UTC

Published: 2025-03-11 00:58:18 UTC
Law, Political Sciences