Preprint / Version 1

Metaphor Identification Based on Selectional Restrictions




Metaphor, Selectional Restriction, BERT


Metaphorical expressions are frequently used in literature and daily conversations. A corpus is needed for handling metaphors in natural language processing, such as machine translation. However, it has been pointed out that large-scale data collection of metaphors is difficult due to their unfixed form. In this paper, we propose a method for automatically identifying metaphors to facilitate building a corpus. The proposed method focuses on the tendency of metaphors to violate selectional restrictions and identifies them using a pre-trained BERT model. In the proposed method, we mask the word to identify and estimate the word by BERT. The estimated word is expected not to violate selectional restrictions. By comparing the cosine similarity between the estimated and original words, we can measure the quantitative degree of violation of selectional restrictions and identify whether the word is a metaphor. We consider three variation methods of calculating cosine similarity from estimated words by BERT. Experimental results show that the proposed method is effective, with an F value of approximately 0.881 in the best case.

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There are no conflicts of interest (COI) to disclose regarding this research.

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Submitted: 2025-02-07 08:13:11 UTC

Published: 2025-02-12 23:33:47 UTC
Information Sciences