The Transformation from Leader to Intrapreneur
Toward a Theoretical Bridge between Leadership and Entrepreneurship
leader, intrapreneur, leadership, entrepreneurship, narrative reviewAbstract
In existing firms, the transformation from a leader of an established company to an intrapreneur takes place in the development of new ventures. To explain this management phenomenon, it is necessary to construct a theoretical model that bridges entrepreneurship and leadership. The purpose of this study is to construct a theoretical model of the transformation from leader to intrapreneur. As research methods for this purpose, this study conducts (1) a comparative analysis of journals and keywords by searching article databases and (2) a review of previous studies.
The presented model of the transformation from leader to intrapreneur includes at its core the attitudes, characteristics, behaviors, and outcomes of intrapreneurs, as well as organizational factors that influence intrapreneurs, some organizational outcomes, and entrepreneurial middle management. In addition, organizational structure, organizational culture, organizational change, and transformational leadership are outside of the manager-to-intrapreneur transformations. The implications of this study are (1) that it presents a theoretical model of leader-to-intrapreneur transformation and (2) that it bridges the research areas of entrepreneurship and leadership. On the other hand, the challenges are that these theoretical models need to be made more robust and the hypotheses need to be tested through empirical research.
Conflicts of Interest Disclosure
The authors have no conflicts of interest directly relevant to the content of this article.Downloads *Displays the aggregated results up to the previous day.
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Submitted: 2025-01-26 03:38:20 UTC
Published: 2025-01-28 10:17:54 UTC
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Haruomi SHINDO
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