Preprint / Version 1

Data for Brain Reference Architecture of NY24CanonicalCorticalMicrocircuitsDecisionMaking

Canonical cortical microcircuits reference architecture for decision making


  • Naohiro Yamauchi Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Neural Computation Unit
  • Yoshimasa Tawatsuji The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Engineering
  • Yudai Suzuki The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Engineering
  • Kenji Doya Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Neural Computation Unit
  • Hiroshi Yamakawa The University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Engineering



Brain Reference Architecture, Canonical Cortical Microcircuits, Reinforcement learning


Canonical cortical microcircuits (CCMs) is the six-layer structure preserved throughout the mammalian neocortex and is thought as a fundamental computational unit. This dataset reverse-engineers CCMs and presents a computational model to achieve decision-making. The data consist of the anatomical connectivity of CCMs and the functions hierarchically achieved from each uniform circuit. First, information on the anatomical connections of CCMs was collected from seven review papers. Next, reinforcement learning was determined as the algorithm for decision-making, which CCMs can implement. Finally, we describe how top-level functions are achieved from excitatory neural populations and circuit motif based on inhibitory neural populations, assigning output semantics to each excitatory neural population. The data are described in a brain reference architecture format and stored in the BRA data repository. This dataset provides experimentally testable hypotheses about neural activity patterns in cortical layers.

Conflicts of Interest Disclosure

Yoshimasa Tawatsuji and Hiroshi Yamakawa are BRAES managers but did not participate in the editorial process or decisions related to this manuscript.

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Submitted: 2025-01-18 12:27:56 UTC

Published: 2025-01-24 01:06:30 UTC
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