Future behaviours decision-making: the case study of travel avoidance during COVID-19 outbreaks
Covid-19, Risk Reduction Behaviors, Data Interpretations, Statistical, Data Mining, EpidemiologyAbstract
Human behavioural changes are poorly understood, and this limitation has been a serious obstacle to epidemic forecasting. It is generally understood that people change their respective behaviours to reduce the risk of infection in response to the status of an epidemic or government interventions. We must first identify the factors that lead to such decision-making to predict these changes. However, due to an absence of a method to observe decision-making for future behaviour, understanding the behavioural responses to disease is limited. Here, we show that accommodation reservation data could reveal the decision-making process that underpins behavioural changes, travel avoidance, for reducing the risk of COVID-19 infections. We found that the motivation to avoid travel with respect to only short-term future behaviours dynamically varied and was associated with the outbreak status and/or the interventions of the government. Our developed method can quantitatively measure and predict a large-scale population’s behaviour to determine the future risk of COVID-19 infections. These findings enable us to better understand behavioural changes in response to disease spread, and thus, contribute to the development of reliable long-term forecasting of disease spread.
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Submitted: 2022-06-23 02:04:27 UTC
Published: 2022-06-24 09:48:32 UTC
Copyright (c) 2022
Koichi Ito
Shunsuke Kanemitsu
Ryusuke Kimura
Ryosuke Omori

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