Experiment of surveillance for long-term care facilities for elderly people
COVID-19、 information sharing、 long-term care facility for elderly people、 situation awareness、 surveillance抄録
Background: Long-term care facilities for elderly people have been vulnerable to COVID-19 outbreaks.
Object: We examined construction of a surveillance system to share information about facilities for elderly people with physicians, commissioned doctors, public health centers, and other nearby facilities. Then we operated the system as an experiment.
Method: We constructed the system and operated it at two facilities for more than three months. Especially, information sharing among commissioned doctors, local governments, public health centers, and medical associations was included in the system. Moreover, community situation awareness was done by including neighboring facilities, (nursery) schools, and prescriptions from other but similar surveillance systems.
Results: We constructed the system, operated it, and confirmed its feasibility for data entry at facilities. However, real time information sharing has not been activated because of the scarcity of corporate facilities. Moreover, situational awareness in the community has been developed using information from other systems.
Discussion: Experiments including a larger number of facilities with real-time information sharing represents an urgent challenge.
ダウンロード *前日までの集計結果を表示します
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投稿日時: 2022-05-30 08:39:39 UTC
公開日時: 2022-06-01 08:29:50 UTC
Kurita, Junko
Tamie Sugawara
Yasushi Ohkusa
Naomi Sakurai

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