Itawit Architecture: An Emic Approach
Itawit、 sustainable architecture、 ethno-sustainability、 indigenous-knowledge、 grounded theory、 comparative analysis抄録
This study presents and defines Itawit Architecture as a distinct architectural practice still exist in various areas of Cagayan in the Northern Philippines. The data culled are from two distinct architectural practices in the province of Cagayan: the Middle Cagayan style and the Southern Cagayan style. This research include elicited data from the respondents (buildingowners, carpenters, shamans, and elders) from the Middle Cagayan area feeling theose of Piat, Tuao, Santo Niño, and Amulung, and the Southern Cagayan include the towns of Iguig, Tuguegarao City, Solana, Enrile and Peñablanca. Coding, memoing (a.k.a. “theory building”), and other similar approach is undertaken to develop a good interpretation of the data feeling taken from the Itawit (individual or community); this combination of approaches, known as bricolage,was done by the Researcher as the “ bricoleur.” The bricoleur is an Itawit and an architect, hece being emic and authoritative in nature. Central with this documentation is the idea of sustainability as practiced by the locals, and the transferring of knowledge via oral tradition, apprenticeship, and others. This developed in a comprehenctive collection of terminology, visualizations, photos, and other media showing their enduring building traditions an example of Sustainable Architecture of the ethnic group in the archipelago.This developed in a comprehenctive collection of terminology, visualizations, photos, and other media showing their enduring building traditions an example of Sustainable Architecture of the ethnic group in the archipelago.This developed in a comprehenctive collection of terminology, visualizations, photos, and other media showing their enduring building traditions an example of Sustainable Architecture of the ethnic group in the archipelago.
The authors of this paper has no conflict of interest whatsoever including any relevant financial or non-financial competing interests to report.ダウンロード *前日までの集計結果を表示します
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投稿日時: 2024-01-01 06:51:15 UTC
公開日時: 2024-01-10 08:57:53 UTC
Tabao, Michael
Junar Tablan

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