Transfer RNA synthesis-coupled translation and DNA replication in a reconstituted transcription/translation system
tRNA、 translation、 DNA replication、 cell-free synthetic biology、 PURE system抄録
Transfer RNAs (tRNA) are key molecules involved in translation. In vitro synthesis of tRNAs and their coupled translation are important challenges in the construction of a self-regenerative molecular system. Here, we first purified EF-Tu and ribosome components in a reconstituted translation system of Escherichia coli to remove residual tRNAs. Next, we expressed 15 types of tRNAs in the repurified translation system and performed translation of the reporter luciferase gene depending on the expression. Furthermore, we demonstrated DNA replication through expression of a tRNA encoded by DNA, mimicking information processing within the cell. Our findings highlight the feasibility of an in vitro self-reproductive system in which tRNAs can be synthesized from replicating DNA.
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投稿日時: 2022-03-29 23:42:26 UTC
公開日時: 2022-03-31 08:13:58 UTC
Ryota Miyachi
Yoshihiro Shimizu
Norikazu Ichihashi

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