The Revision of Lipomycetaceae
Waltomyces、 Zygozyma、 Babjevia、 Smithiozyma、 Kockiozyma抄録
In the family Lipomycetaceae, the seven genera Waltomyces, Zygozyma, Babjevia, Smithiozyma, Kawasakia, Limtongia, and Kockiozyma were introduced. However, all of them were neither accepted nor recognized. This paper described the historical surveys in the systematics of the Lipomycetaceous yeasts and confirmed the total of ten genera within the family, i.e., the genus Lipomyces sensu stricto (the type genus), the above-mentioned seven genera, the monotypic genus Dipodascopsis, and the new genus Neeoaidaea from the phylogenetic and the phenotypic points of view.
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投稿日時: 2022-10-13 17:50:15 UTC
公開日時: 2022-10-18 02:17:06 UTC — 2022-11-01 05:31:35 UTCに更新
- 2022-11-28 02:12:47 UTC(5)
- 2022-11-14 00:25:10 UTC(4)
- 2022-11-10 23:55:19 UTC(3)
- 2022-11-01 05:31:35 UTC(2)
- 2022-10-18 02:17:06 UTC(1)
The previous manuscript was sent to MycBank Office to get MycBank numbers. According to the judgement, MycoBank numbers were given to the new genus Neoaidaea and the new combination Noaidaea tothii. Then, the names were validated. On lines 295 and 302 of this manuscript, MycoBank numbers can be seen.ライセンス
Yamada, Yuzo
Huong Thi Lan Vu
Pattaraporn Yukphan
Somboon Tanasupawat

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