Influential Force: from Higgs to the Ab Initio Genetic Orbital Method
influential force、 unification theory、 Higgs mechanism、 ab initio genetic orbital method、 immune checkpoint抄録
Nature has a tendency to evolve to a more probable state, and we regard this tendency as a force of probability. All fundamental interactions are transmitted by mediator particles, and their unification has long been attempted. However, no theory has fully unified the interactions into a single simple formula. Here, we show that fundamental interactions are unified by a novel “influential force” driven by probability under the canonical distribution of the transmitted information. This force affects the information distance denoting transmission difficulty, based on a universal gauge symmetry within information coordinate spacetime. We develop statistical mechanics of mutual information and reveal that the influential force exists in both physical and biological systems, offering clues to solve many intractable problems. In the field of physics, the influential force provides a coherent explanation of the spontaneous symmetry breaking of the Higgs field and its relationship with gravity, inflation, quantum entanglement entropy, and the hierarchy problem. In the field of biology, the force endows genes with huge network information, which leads to the development of the ab initio genetic orbital method and identification of a novel immune checkpoint, KYNU / kynureninase. Our findings demonstrate that the influential force acts between highly divergent beings, thereby shaping the essential properties of nature.
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投稿日時: 2022-09-05 15:16:26 UTC
公開日時: 2022-09-07 23:26:28 UTC
- 2023-04-24 07:15:47 UTC(2)
- 2022-09-07 23:26:28 UTC(1)
Mori, Tsutomu
Takashi Kawamura
Daisuke Ikeda
Susumu Goyama
Hiroshi Haeno
Kazuhiko Ikeda
Katsue Adachi
Yoshihiko Saito
Tomoyoshi Horisawa
Junzo Suzuki
Seiichi Takenoshita

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