Electric potentials and field lines for uniformly-charged tube and cylinder expressed by Appell's hypergeometric function and integration of Z(u|m) sc(u|m)
Appell's hypergeometric function、 electric field line、 Jacobi zeta function、 elliptic integrals抄録
The closed-form expressions of electric potentials and field lines for a uniformly-charged tube and cylinder are presented using elliptic integrals and Appell's hypergeometric functions, where field lines are depicted by introducing the concept of the field line potential in axisymmetric systems, whose contour lines represent electric field lines outside the charged region, thought of as an analog of the conjugate harmonic function in the presence of non-uniform metric. The field line potential for the tube shows a multi-valued behavior and enables us to define a topological charge. The integral of $Z(u|m)\operatorname{sc}(u|m)$, where $ Z $ and $ \operatorname{sc} $ are the Jacobi zeta and elliptic functions, is also expressed by Appell's hypergeometric function as a by-product, which was missing in classical tables of formulas.
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投稿日時: 2025-03-09 16:54:40 UTC
公開日時: 2025-03-17 05:38:59 UTC
Takahashi, Daisuke

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