Comparative anatomy of respiratory bronchioles and lobular structures in mammals
Comparative anatomy、 Respiratory bronchiole、 Lobular structure、 Interlobular septum、 Lung抄録
Rodents are widely used to study the toxicity of chemicals, but differences between species mean that results from rodents are not always directly transferrable to humans. The health of workers exposed to various chemicals and particulates in high doses or for long durations is at risk. The respiratory bronchioles and lobular structures are key sites for occupational lung diseases like pneumoconiosis, but these structures vary among animal species. Understanding these differences is crucial for studying the pathology of human occupational lung diseases. However, there is a lack of reviews focusing on these structures across different species. This review explores the lung anatomy of various mammals and its functional importance in disease to connect animal studies with human occupational lung diseases. Our results indicate that artiodactyls, especially small pig breeds and goats, are ideal for research because their respiratory bronchioles and lobular structures are similar to those of humans. This review aims to enhance the use of experimental animal data and improve our understanding of human occupational lung diseases, facilitating early detection, treatment, and prevention.
The authors have no competing interests to disclose.ダウンロード *前日までの集計結果を表示します
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投稿日時: 2024-08-20 14:00:15 UTC
公開日時: 2024-08-22 08:25:29 UTC
Yumi Umeda
Takeshi Izawa
Kei Kazama
Sachiko Arai
Junichi Kamiie
Shinichiro Nakamura
Kazuki Hano
Masaki Takasu
Akihiko Hirata
Susanne Rittinghausen
Shotaro Yamano

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