ユバタス、 予防保全、 IoT、 サウンドストリーム、 クラウドコンピューティング、 インダストリー4.0抄録
近年、IoT技術の進歩によりメンテナンス分野への応用が期待されている。 しかし、IoT保守アプリケーションは、案件ごとにセンシングと解析を行う一回限りのソリューションであること、センシングデータの収集コストが高いこと、保守の自動化が不十分であることなどの理由から、まだ日本では普及していない。 本稿では、エッジでサウンドストリームを解析し、クラウドで異常データのみを解析し、自動的に保守を指示する保守プラットフォームを提案する。
Journal of Information Processing, Vol.25, pp.317-320, 2017年4月
著者は,この原稿と競合する利害関係がないことを宣言する.ダウンロード *前日までの集計結果を表示します
Y. Yamato, Y. Nishizawa, M. Muroi and K. Tanaka, "Development of Resource Management Server for Production IaaS Services Based on OpenStack," Journal of Information Processing, Vol.23, No.1, pp.58-66, Jan. 2015.
Y. Yamato, Y. Nishizawa, S. Nagao and K. Sato, "Fast and Reliable Restoration Method of Virtual Resources on OpenStack," IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, DOI: 10.1109/TCC.2015.2481392, 12 pages, Sep. 2015.
Y. Yamato, "Cloud Storage Application Area of HDD-SSD Hybrid Storage, Distributed Storage and HDD Storage," IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol.11, Issue.5, pp.674-675, DOI:10.1002/tee.22287, Sep. 2016.
NTT Docomo press release website,
H. Sunaga, Y. Yamato, H. Ohnishi, M. Kaneko, M. Iio and M. Hirano, "Service Delivery Platform Architecture for the Next-Generation Network," ICIN2008, Session 9-A, Bordeaux, Oct. 2008.
Y. Yokohata, Y. Yamato, M. Takemoto, E. Tanaka and K. Nishiki, "Context-Aware Content-Provision Service for Shopping Malls Based on Ubiquitous Service-Oriented Network Framework and Authentication and Access Control Agent Framework," IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC 2006), pp.1330-1331, Las Vegas, Jan. 2006.
Y. Yamato, Y. Fukumoto and H. Kumazaki, "Proposal of Shoplifting Prevention Service Using Image Analysis and ERP Check," IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol.12, Issue.S1, pp.141-145, June 2017.
Y. Yamato, Y. Fukumoto and H. Kumazaki, "Analyzing Machine Noise for Real Time Maintenance," 2016 International Workshop on Signal Acquisition and Processing (ICSAP 2016), Tokyo, Oct. 2016.
AWS IoT Platform website,
Virtual Engineering Community website,
Google Project Brillo website,
Microsoft Azure IoT service document,
Sakura IoT Platfomr website,
S. Hido, S. Tokui and S. Oda, "Jubatus: An Open Source Platform for Distributed Online Machine Learning," NIPS 2013 Workshop on Big Learning, 2013.
Raspberry Pi website,
M. Stonebraker and A. Weisberg, "The VoltDB main memory DBMS," IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, Vol. 36, No. 2, pp.21-27, 2013.
Y. Yokohata, Y. Yamato, M. Takemoto and H. Sunaga, "Service Composition Architecture for Programmability and Flexibility in Ubiquitous Communication Networks," IEEE International Symposium on Applications and the Internet Workshops (SAINTW'06), pp.145-148, Phoenix, Jan. 2006.
Y. Yamato, Y. Nakano, H. Sunaga, "Study and Evaluation of Context-Aware Service Composition and Change-Over Using BPEL Engine and Semantic Web Techniques," IEEE CCNC 2008, pp.863-867, Jan. 2008.
Y. Yamato, H. Ohnishi and H. Sunaga, "Development of Service Control Server for Web-Telecom Coordination Service," IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2008), pp.600-607, Beijing, Sep. 2008.
Y. Yamato, N. Shigematsu and N. Miura, "Evaluation of Agile Software Development Method for Carrier Cloud Service Platform Development," IEICE Transactions on Information & Systems, Vol.E97-D, No.11, pp.2959-2962, Nov. 2014.
Y. Yamato, S. Katsuragi, S. Nagao and N. Miura, "Software Maintenance Evaluation of Agile Software Development Method Based on OpenStack," IEICE Transactions on Information & Systems, Vol.E98-D, No.7, pp.1377-1380, July 2015.
Y. Yamato, "OpenStack Hypervisor, Container and Baremetal Servers Performance Comparison," IEICE Communication Express, Vol.4, No.7, pp.228-232, July 2015.
ADempiere website,
PSPP website,
Y. Yamato, M. Muroi, K. Tanaka and M. Uchimura, "Development of Template Management Technology for Easy Deployment of Virtual Resources on OpenStack," Journal of Cloud Computing, Springer, 2014, 3:7, DOI: 10.1186/s13677-014-0007-3, 12 pages, June 2014.
Y. Yamato, "Automatic verification technology of software patches for user virtual environments on IaaS cloud," Journal of Cloud Computing, Springer, 2015, 4:4, DOI: 10.1186/s13677-015-0028-6, 14 pages, Feb. 2015.
Y. Yamato, "Automatic System Test Technology of Virtual Machine Software Patch on IaaS Cloud," IEEJ Transactions on Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Vol.10, Issue.S1, pp.165-167, Oct. 2015.
Y. Yamato, "Optimum Application Deployment Technology for Heterogeneous IaaS Cloud," Journal of Information Processing, Vol.25, No.1, Jan. 2017.
投稿日時: 2024-06-15 04:35:48 UTC
公開日時: 2024-06-18 07:10:15 UTC
山登, 庸次
福本, 佳史
熊崎, 宏樹

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