Evolutionary biological perspectives on the public health and social issues of breastfeeding and weaning
breastfeeding and weaning、 mismatch、 trade-off、 evolutionary biology、 public health抄録
Breastfeeding and weaning are important topics for both biological anthropology and public health because they closely relate to infant mortality, lifetime health, and human population dynamics. Breastfeeding and weaning practices are associated with several issues that hinder the achievement of infant and mother well-being in our modern societies. By integrating the scientific knowledge which has been accumulated in biological anthropology and public health, the obtained comprehensive understanding can allow addressing these issues through effective decision making. In this review, public health and social issues pertaining to the breastfeeding and weaning of modern and historical human populations are interpreted from the viewpoint of biological anthropology, including the disciplines of evolutionary biology and bioarchaeology. These issues include the spatio-temporal constraint of breastfeeding, memes of non-breastfeeding, abuse of breast milk materiality, and mismatch in breastfeeding practices. Some issues have an evolutionary base, while others can be best understood by considering the framework of evolutionary biology. The structure of these issues and their possible public health and social outcomes are also discussed based on the concept of trade-off. The effectiveness of the biological view in better understanding the public health and social problems in breastfeeding and weaning is lastly discussed.
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公開日時: 2022-05-27 08:55:25 UTC
Tsutaya, Takumi

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