L$-functions with the Lindel\"of and Riemann hypotheses and trivial zeros at even negative integers
L-functions、 Lindeloef hypothesis、 Riemann's functional equation、 Riemann hypothesis、 trivial zeros抄録
Let $q \ge 2$ be an integer, $\zeta (s)$ be the Riemann zeta function, and put $T_q (s) := (s+1)(1-s)^{-1} (q^{s+2}-1) \zeta (s+2) - 4 \pi^2 s^{-1} (1-s)^{-1}(q^{3-s}-1) \zeta (s-2)$. In the present paper, we show that the function $T_q (s)$ has Riemann's functional equation and its zeros only at the negative even integers and satisfies the Lindel\"of and Riemann hypotheses. In addition, we give functions satisfy Riemann's functional equation and an analogue of the Lindel\"of hypothesis but do not fulfill an analogue of the Riemann hypothesis.
The authors have no conflicts of interest directly relevant to the content of this article.ダウンロード *前日までの集計結果を表示します
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投稿日時: 2024-02-13 06:05:39 UTC
公開日時: 2024-02-16 00:50:19 UTC — 2024-05-27 10:06:28 UTCに更新
- 2024-05-27 10:06:28 UTC(2)
- 2024-02-16 00:50:19 UTC(1)
The title is changed. Section 1.2 and Some references are added.ライセンス
Nakamura, Takashi

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