Revisiting MA vs. ∃ · BPP: A Functional Analogue
Computational Complexity、 Probabilistic Verification、 Merlin-Arthur Model、 Search Problems、 TFNP抄録
The complexity class TFNP, introduced by Megiddo and Papadimitriou (TCS 1991), has played a crucial role in computational complexity theory and some real applied fields. In this short paper, we will revisit the definition of the class of search problems in NP. Then, we formulate a probabilistic variant of TFNP (and also FNP). Finally, we propose a functional analog of MA vs. ∃ · BPP.
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投稿日時: 2023-12-19 03:56:02 UTC
公開日時: 2023-12-22 04:22:49 UTC
Ishizuka, Takashi

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