Shortened lifespan induced by a high-glucose diet is associated with intestinal immune dysfunction in Drosophila sechellia
Effects of high-glucose diet on fruit flies
Drosophila、 glucose、 gut epithelium、 immune system、 lifespan、 scopoletin抄録
Organisms can generally be divided into two groups: generalists that consume various types of food, and specialists that consume specific types of food. However, it remains unclear how specialists adapt to only the limited nutritional conditions present in nature. In this study, we addressed this question by focusing on Drosophila fruit flies. The generalist Drosophila melanogaster can consume a wide variety of foods that contain high glucose levels. In contrast, the specialist Drosophila sechellia consumes only the Indian mulberry, known as noni (Morinda citrifolia), which contains relatively little glucose. We showed that the lifespan of D. sechellia, was significantly shortened under a high-glucose diet, but this effect was not observed for D. melanogaster. In D. sechellia, a high-glucose diet induced disorganization of the gut epithelia and visceral muscles, which are associated with abnormal indigestion and constipation. RNA-sequencing analysis revealed that many immune-responsive genes were suppressed in the guts of D. sechellia fed a high-glucose diet compared to those fed a control diet. Consistent with this difference in gene expression, the abundance of the gut microbiota was altered in D. sechellia under high-glucose diet conditions. Additionally, high glucose-induced phenotypes were restored by the addition of tetracycline or scopoletin, a major nutritional component of noni, each of which suppresses gut bacterial growth. We propose that, in D. sechellia, a high-glucose diet impairs gut immune function, which leads to abnormal growth of gut bacteria, the disorganization of the gut epithelial structure, and a shortened lifespan.
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投稿日時: 2022-04-22 03:31:08 UTC
公開日時: 2022-04-22 09:18:14 UTC
Maiko Abe
Takumi Kamiyama
Yasushi Izumi
Qingyin Qian
Yuma Yoshihashi
Yousuke Degawa
Kaori Watanabe
Yukako Hattori
Tadashi Uemura
Niwa, Ryusuke

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