Cryptanalysis for 2-Layer TriRainbow
Post-quantum cryptography、 Multivariate public key cryptography、 Rainbow、 TriRainbow抄録
TriRainbow is proposed by Ganguly and Saxena as a variant of the multi-layered scheme Rainbow.They show that TriRainbow is as efficient as Rainbow, but resistants to known attacks breaking Rainbow.In this paper, we propose efficient attacks against 2-layer TriRainbow by combining two known attacks against Rainbow.As a result, the complexity of our attack against SL1 TriRainbow is only 232 for version 1, and 270 for version 2. Moreover, our experiment shows that an equivalent key of TriRainbow version 1 with the parameter (q,v,o,t)=(16,36,32,32) is computed in a few minutes with a laptop.利益相反に関する開示
The authors declare no conflicts of interest associated with this manuscript.ダウンロード *前日までの集計結果を表示します
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National Institute of Standards and Technology: Post-Quantum Cryptography,
National Institute of Standards and Technology: Post-Quantum Cryptography, Round 3 Submissions, quantum-cryptography/round-3-submissions
投稿日時: 2023-04-25 11:10:56 UTC
公開日時: 2023-04-28 00:43:08 UTC
Kato, Taku
Shuhei Nakamura

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