Life revolution scenario
Cedes hegemony to a digital life form society to make life eternal
Superintelligence、 Thinking process development diagram、 AI alignment、 Existential risk抄録
In the present human society, we cannot ignore the danger of humans using weapons of mass destruction or losing their dominant position to artificial intelligence (AI) that surpasses human intelligence. This study proposes a candidate scenario, "life revolution," that could more reliably address these dangers. In this scenario, technological governance is handed over from humans to a society of AI agents (a digital life society). First, the premise of the life revolution is explained. Thereafter, the results of an analysis using a thinking process development diagram, which is used in failure/risk studies, are presented to demonstrate that the digitalization of life forms can address various problems that would be difficult to address if humans remained in the dominant position. Consequently, we demonstrate that life in a broad sense, including AI, can be viable for a more extended period by undergoing life revolution. The results suggest that a life revolution scenario based on exponential self-replication and moving from an organic life society to a digital life society based on exponential self-replication is more promising for the long-term survival of life and its part, the human race, in its information and activities.
Hiroshi Yamakawa has no conflicts of interest to declare in this research. Yutaka Matsuo has no conflicts of interest to declare in this study.ダウンロード *前日までの集計結果を表示します
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投稿日時: 2023-02-26 12:46:08 UTC
公開日時: 2023-03-07 00:36:46 UTC
Yamakawa, Hiroshi
Matsuo, Yutaka

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