Correlation analysis between time awareness and morningness-eveningness preference
time awareness、 morningness-eveningness preference抄録
The circadian clock is adjusted by light inputs via the retinohypothalamic tract. Because environmental light is controllable for modern humans at the individual’s preference although under social schedules, individual differences in time-related psychology and behavior may be associated with morningness-eveningness preference (M-E preference). To examine this hypothesis, we used the Time Management Scale and Time Anxiety Scale to quantify time-related psychology and behavior. These scales aim to evaluate “awareness of effective time management and utilization” and “anxiety about uncontrollable time schedule and unexpected time-related outcome”, respectively. According to our correlation analysis using mid-sleep time as a marker for M-E preference, we obtained results supporting our hypothesis in the correlation between the M-E preference values and the Time Management Scale scores, with larger “time estimation” and “taking each moment as it comes” scores associated with more morningness and eveningness, respectively. Considering that modern humans likely become night owls under artificial light conditions, it appears plausible that lower awareness of time management leads to more eveningness.
The authors declare no competing interests.ダウンロード *前日までの集計結果を表示します
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投稿日時: 2023-02-08 11:21:19 UTC
公開日時: 2023-02-10 05:55:47 UTC
Sogawa, Reimi
Ono, Fuminori
Terao, Masahiko
Nagano, Shunta
Kawabe, Junko
Akashi, Makoto

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