Tension stiffening of reinforced concrete affected by radiation-induced volume expansion of aggregate
Tension stiffening、 Radiation-induced volume expansion、 Aggregate、 Bond抄録
The tension stiffening behaviors of reinforced concrete (RC) prisms affected by aggregate volume expansion induced by neutron irradiation were numerically investigated using a rigid body spring network model. First, the model was validated by comparison with the uniaxial tension test results of wet- and dry-cured (with volume contraction of concrete) RC prisms. Then, different degrees of expansion strain were applied to the aggregate elements in the RC prism model and uniaxial tension loading was again simulated. Tension stiffening decreased under larger radiation-induced volume expansion of the aggregate owing to the corresponding decrease in the concrete tensile strength with increasing damage, this behavior changed dramatically according to restraint condition. Indeed, the Young’s modulus of restrained concrete after aggregate expansion was larger than that of unrestrained concrete after aggregate expansion. However, the compressive stress in the concrete after aggregate expansion was effectively transmitted to the rebar during uniaxial tension loading; this behavior indicated even after 0.5% aggregate expansion, RC can maintain its integrity under uniaxial tension.
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投稿日時: 2022-10-02 01:26:22 UTC
公開日時: 2022-10-05 04:26:30 UTC
Daisuke Kambayashi
Maruyama, Ippei
Osamu Kontani
Shohei Sawada
Takahiro Ohkubo
Kenta Murakami
Kiyoteru Suzuki

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