Enhanced syndromic surveillance by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government for the 2019 Rugby World Cup: lessons learned for the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games
enhanced syndromic surveillance、 mass gathering、 dengue fever、 invasive menin,gococcal disease、 olympic games抄録
Background: The Rugby World Cup (RWC) competition was held in Japan during September 20 through November 2, 2019. During that time, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government conducted enhanced syndromic surveillance including routine traditional surveillance based on diagnoses for RWC (ESSRWC).
Objective: This report presents a summary of incidents related to public health response in ESSRWC, with discussion of their lessons for the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games of 2020.
Methods: We operated ESSRWC during September 20 through November 2, 2019. It consisted of official surveillance for diseases designated as notifiable, official sentinel surveillance, official syndromic surveillance, cluster surveillance, ambulance transfer surveillance, the Tokyo infectious alert system, and other data.
Results: We experienced one outbreak incident that required a response: dengue fever in September. Three cases of dengue fever were reported. Domestic transmission outside of Tokyo was suspected. No additional case was confirmed at the estimated transmission places.
Discussion and Conclusion: The Dengue fever outbreak highlighted evaluation of surveillance precision as important, along with mosquito control and monitoring, for the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games of 2020. After close in ESSRWC, a visitor to RWC was diagnosed as invasive meningococcal disease. The period of enhanced surveillance should be defined to include some delays due to incubation period and/or reporting delay of whom were estimated to be infected the targeted event. Furthermore, these two incidents are expected to have provided good lessons for international risk communication and domestic cooperation among public health centers and among local governments.
ダウンロード *前日までの集計結果を表示します
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投稿日時: 2022-07-04 06:03:06 UTC
公開日時: 2022-07-08 05:18:39 UTC
Sugishita, Yoshiyuki
Abe, Nobuyuki
Somura, Yoshiko

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