Estimation of Cellulose Nanofiber Length Using Steady Shear Viscosity of Fiber Suspensions
Fiber length、 Fiber concentration、 Fiber orientation、 Shear viscosity、 Rheology、 Non-Newtonian fluid、 Fiber-fiber interaction、 Cellulose nanofiber抄録
In this study, a novel method was proposed for estimating the length of TEMPO-oxidized cellulose nanofibers using the steady shear viscosity of a nanofiber suspension in water. Two fiber suspensions were prepared: one sample contained fibers approximately 500 nm in length and the other sample contained fibers of approximately 200–300 nm in length. For each sample, the steady shear viscosity of the suspension was measured for 7–8 distinct volume fractions, and the viscosity was approximated using a power-law model. The relationship between the power index of the power-law model and the volume fraction of the nanofiber was used to estimate the fiber length. The measured lengths of the nanofibers were similar to those obtained using various other fiber length measurement methods, indicating that this method can be used for fiber length estimation.
The authors have no relevant financial or non-financial interests to disclose.ダウンロード *前日までの集計結果を表示します
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投稿日時: 2025-01-28 17:00:20 UTC
公開日時: 2025-02-04 02:45:28 UTC
Yasuda, Kazunori
Honda, Tatsuhiro

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