QxEAI: Assisting equity trading with quantum-like evolutionary algorithm
probabilistic forecasting、 genetic programming、 quantum-like evolutionary algorithm抄録
Knowing when to buy or sell at the right time is crucial when it comes to trading on the stock market, but many times this is easier said than done. This paper proposes QxEAI, a quantum-like evolutionary algorithm, that produces action sequences to assist traders to buy or sell in the decision-making process. QxEAI utilizes the quantum principle of superposition and Darwinian natural selection to confront the dual uncertainty of the market and the traders’ actions as well as the interactivity between the traders participating and the market. Using the Dow Jones Index as a medium, QxEAI is able to produce a forecast of the following week with odds of 80% by training the preceding four weeks of data.
The authors declare that they may have relevant commercial interests in the sales and profits of the commercial tool they developed for their corporation XINVISIONQ, INC. that is based off the methodology presented in this paper but this did not, in any way influence the legitimacy and authenticity of the results and conclusions presented in this paper in accordance to the ethical requirements of academic research. The authors have no other conflicting academic interests to declare as the methodology formulated in this paper are the authors’ original work.ダウンロード *前日までの集計結果を表示します
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Kevin Xin, Lizhi Xin. QxEAI - Automated probabilistic forecasting with Quantum-like evolutionary algorithm, 06 May 2024, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at ResearchSquare [https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-4366243/v1]
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投稿日時: 2024-12-27 03:09:07 UTC
公開日時: 2025-01-30 09:06:17 UTC
Kevin Xin
Lizhi Xin

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