Jxiv Submission Guidelines

March 24, 2022
Revised December 20, 2024

These guidelines stipulate submission and distribution as part of the Jxiv submission policies, separate from the Jxiv Submission Terms, and have the same binding effect on Submitters as the Jxiv Submission Terms. Submitters and authors must submit Preprints (a draft work, such as a paper) and Preprint Data (the digital files that are publicly available online including the original manuscript and its associated data) according to these guidelines. These guidelines are subject to change at JST’s sole discretion.

Manuscripts submitted to Jxiv may be related to any scientific field, including natural sciences, humanities, and social sciences, and should be written in Japanese or English.

There is no charge for submitting or processing an article, and the Preprint and Preprint Data are made publicly available free of charge on Jxiv.

If you have any questions about submitting to Jxiv, please refer to the Jxiv Submission Manual before contacting us. If the question is still not answered, please contact us by email at preprint[at]jst.go.jp. Telephone inquiries will not be accepted under any circumstances. If you have any inquiries regarding the Preprints and Preprint Data that you have submitted, please use the Discussion field of the Jxiv submission system.

1. Before Submission

1-1 Check Journal Submission Guidelines

Please carefully check the submission guidelines of the journal where you plan to submit or where you have already submitted your manuscript. Some journals will not accept manuscripts that have been made publicly available as preprints, or may not explicitly specify in their guidelines whether or not manuscript made public as preprints are accepted.

A list of domestic journals that explicitly state in their submission guidelines that they accept manuscripts made public on Jxiv and other preprint servers can be found in the link below.


*In addition to the journals listed in the link above, there are other journals that accept manuscripts which have been made public as preprints. Please make sure to check the submission guidelines of the journal where you plan to submit your manuscript.

1-2 Submitting manuscripts to Jxiv that have been accepted, released, or published by a journal, or reflects peer review comments or changes recommended by editors

Submission to Jxiv may be permitted in the following cases:

・If the journal’s submission guidelines explicitly state that manuscripts are permitted for submission to a preprint server.

・If the Submitter has obtained permission to submit their manuscript to the preprint server from the journal that accepted, released, or published the manuscript.

・If the Submitter has obtained permission from the journal that provided the edits if the manuscript to be submitted reflects peer review comments or changes recommended by editors.

Manuscripts in Japanese or English submitted to make public on Jxiv must be prepared in a PDF format (hereinafter referred to as "Preprint (PDF)"). In addition, when submitting a manuscript of an article that has been published or accepted for publication in a journal, etc., please create a cover page (*1) for the Preprint (PDF).

Please include the following information in the cover page in the appropriate language and submit it together with the Preprint (PDF) (see 3-6 for submission instructions).

● When submitting a published version of a journal article:

- State that it is an article that has been published and/or made open

- The bibliographic information and DOI of the published journal article

- Include the name of publisher from whom permission was obtained to make the article available on Jxiv or state that the journal’s submission guidelines permit articles to be submitted to preprint servers.

● When submitting the author's final draft (author’s final version):

- State that it is the Author's final draft of a journal article that has already been published (or accepted for publication)

- The bibliographic information and DOI of the published journal article (or accepted for publication)

- Include the name of publisher from whom permission was obtained to make the article available on Jxiv or state that the journal’s submission guidelines permit articles to be submitted to preprint servers.

(*1) Please use the cover page template (Jxiv format) which is available on the Jxiv website (https://jxiv.jst.go.jp/index.php/jxiv/terms_guidelines_manuals).

(*2) The Submitter may be asked to add additional information to the cover page after submission if the paper requires notes due to the contents of the manuscript.

1-3 Submission to other preprint servers, sites that assign identifiers/identification codes such as DOIs, and journals, etc.

As a general principle, manuscripts that have already been submitted or made public on other preprint servers, including manuscripts that have already been assigned identifiers/identification codes such as DOIs, cannot be submitted to Jxiv. However, if the conditions in section 1-2 are met, manuscripts that have been accepted, released, or published by a journal, or versions that reflect peer review comments or changes recommended by editors, or versions that have been submitted to a journal, may be made public on Jxiv.

Please note that when you submit a preprint to Jxiv, you are not permitted to submit the manuscript to any other preprint servers, including sites that assign identifiers or identification codes such as DOI, until it is made public on Jxiv (This also applies if you submit the manuscript simultaneously to Jxiv and another preprint server).

Once the preprint is made public on Jxiv, there are no restrictions on submitting the manuscript to other preprint servers.

1-4 Submission of translated manuscripts

As a general principle, translated versions of papers (hereinafter referred to as "Translated Paper") that have already been published in journals or made public on preprint servers (hereinafter referred to as "Original Paper") cannot be submitted to Jxiv. However, the Translated Paper may be made public on Jxiv if it meets all of the following conditions:

- All authors listed in the Translated Paper are the same as those in the Original Paper

- Permission from copyright owner's has been obtained (see 1-4-1)

- The content of the Translated Paper is faithful to the Original Paper (see 1-4-2)

- The cover page and the title page of the preprint must clearly state that the preprint is a Translated Paper and include the bibliographic information of the Original Paper (see section 1-4-6 for instructions on how to create and submit a cover page).

When submitting a Translated Paper to Jxiv, please clearly state that it is a Translated Paper in the "Declaration/Presentation to Jxiv administrator" field of the submission system. This statement shall be deemed to be a declaration to JST that the Preprint is a Translated Paper. A translation declaration is also required if the Original Paper is made public on Jxiv.

Even if the manuscript is a Translated Paper, it will not be accepted unless this is clearly stated in the "Declaration/ Presentation to Jxiv administrator" field.

1-4-1 License and copyright for submission

All Submitters of the Translated Paper, regardless of the copyright license status of the Original Paper, must obtain permission from journals or the other preprint servers before submission to Jxiv.

After submission, the Submitter will be asked to provide proof of the permission from the current copyright holder of the Original Paper by the Jxiv administrator. The Submitter must then promptly present as PDF format documentation that they have obtained permission in advance.

Submitters must obtain the following permission from the publisher or the preprint server of the Original Paper before submitting a Translated Paper.

● If the Original Paper is published by a journal:

・"Permission to make the Translated Paper public on Jxiv, on the condition that Jxiv will not screen the accuracy of the translation ".

● If the Original Paper is a preprint:

・"Permission to make the Translated Paper public on other preprint servers".

1-4-2 Faithfulness of the translation

The Translated Paper must faithfully reflect the content of the Original Paper, including data and interpretation. If a translator intentionally alters the content, adds data, or mistranslates, it cannot be deemed to be faithful to the Original Paper. JST is not liable for the faithfulness in translation and it is the sole responsibility of the Submitter to ensure that the translation is faithful to the Original Paper.

1-4-3 Language of the translation

There are no restrictions on the language of the Original Paper, but Translated Papers submitted to Jxiv must be in Japanese or English.

1-4-4 Clear description of the translation process (translation assistance, machine translation, etc.)

Even if any other parties other than the author was involved in the translation of the Original Paper, the Submitter must take sole responsibility of the Translated Paper. Please provide a detailed description of the translation process and content in the footnotes of the Preprint (PDF). For example, through a translation service, assisted by a colleague, etc.

If the translation was performed using machine translation or artificial intelligence tools, the Submitter must still take sole responsibility of the translated content. A clear description of the translation process must be included in the foot notes of the Preprint (PDF) in this case as well.

1-4-5 Submission period of a translated work

Submitters should be aware that translations are derivative works. Some journals may have regulations regarding the duration from publication of the Original Paper to submission and publication of the Translated Paper. Therefore, it is important for the Submitter to coordinate with the original publisher to determine the appropriate time to make the Translated Paper public on Jxiv.

1-4-6 Adding a cover page and additional information to the Translated Paper

When submitting a Translated Paper, please create a cover page (*1) for the Preprint (PDF) and submit it together with the Preprint (PDF) (see section 3-6 for submission instructions). In the cover page, please include the bibliographic information of the Original Paper in the language of your choice and clearly state that the Preprint is a Translated Paper (*2).

In addition, please clearly state that the Preprint (PDF) is a Translated Paper and include the bibliographic information of the Original Paper at the title page of the preprint.

(*1) Use the cover page template (Jxiv format) which is available on the Jxiv website.

(*2) The Submitter may be asked to add additional information to the cover page after submission if the paper requires notes due to the contents of the Translated Paper.

2. Account registration

To submit Preprints and Preprint Data to Jxiv, you are required to obtain a Jxiv account. To begin registration, you must have a researchmap account or an ORCID account. When creating a Jxiv account, please register your identification information in both English and Japanese (Please enter the information in English if you cannot use Japanese), and enter your information up to your department (or an equivalent of department) for your institutional affiliation.

3. Submission and screening process

To submit a Preprint, please log in to the Jxiv submission system using your researchmap account or ORCID account, then input the bibliographic information, and finally upload your manuscript.

For the submission process, you will need to enter and register the required bibliographic information to the Jxiv submission system (see section 3-1), and enter information about the Preprint (PDF) (see section 3-2). In principle, the bibliographic information registered in the Jxiv submission form should match the information in the Preprint (PDF).

If you wish to make revisions to the bibliographic information displayed on the Jxiv page after distribution, please follow the revision procedures in Section 5.

3-1 Entry/registration of bibliographic information for the Jxiv submission system

The bibliographic information to be entered into the Jxiv submission system includes titles, abstracts, keywords, names (first and last name) of all authors along with their e-mail addresses, country names, and institutional affiliations (till the author’s department or an equivalent of department).

The sections and the language in which the bibliographic information should be entered will vary depending on the language of the manuscript and the display language of the Jxiv site. Please enter the required information without any omissions or excesses according to the table included in this guideline.

In addition, Submitters must select a Creative Commons license (CC license) for their content and provide a declaration of conflicts of interest when entering their bibliographic information.

When entering author names in the Jxiv submission system, please enter all author names exactly in the order they appear on the Preprint (PDF). Author names will be made public as bibliographic information in the order they are entered.

The reference information entered in the Jxiv submission system will be made public as bibliographic information, so it is strongly recommended to review and verify the accuracy of all submitted information.

When submitting a Translated Paper, please notify the Jxiv administrator that the manuscript is a Translated Paper by stating that it is a Translated Paper in the "Declaration/Presentation to Jxiv administrator" field.

3-2 Entering Bibliographic Information of the Preprint (PDF)

The bibliographic information of the Preprint (PDF) must include the title, names of all authors and their affiliations, corresponding author’s name along with their contact details. Please check the table for details and additional information.

However, if a cover page has been created separately from the Preprint (PDF) in accordance with section 1-2 or 1-4-6, and any bibliographic information required mentioned above is missing, you may add the necessary information to the cover page.

In addition to the requirements above, if the manuscript involves ethical considerations regarding research subjects/experimental participants, or pertains to public interest, please clearly state the approval of the ethics committee and provide details of the informed consent process (including how it was obtained) in the Ethical Considerations section or in an appropriate section of the Preprint (PDF), as necessary.

For research results funded by public research grants, it is recommended to clearly include information about the funding source in the acknowledgments section. This should include the name of the funding institution, the project title, and the relevant identification number (such as the proposal number).

Japanese: 本研究は、JST、CREST、JPxxxxxxx の支援を受けたものである/ものです。
English: This work was supported by JST, CREST Grant Number JPxxxxxxx, Japan.

Table: Information required to be entered, registered, and declared for submission
For the Jxiv Submission FormPreprint(PDF)
Required registration and bibliographic informationLanguage of the manuscript
TitleRequired in both Japanese and EnglishRequired in English (Japanese optional)Required
AbstractRequired in Japanese, English, or bothRequired in English (Japanese optional)
All Authors
(First name and last name)
Required in both Japanese and EnglishRequired in English (Japanese optional)Required
All authors’ email addressesRegistration Required
Country of residence of each author*1Select from drop-down menu
Affiliations of all authors
(please enter up to the author’s department)
Required in both Japanese and EnglishRequired in English (Japanese optional)Required
Corresponding author’s
(Registration Required)Required
Corresponding author’s
Email address*2
KeywordsRequired in English (Japanese optional)Required in English (Japanese optional)
References(Registration Required)
CC licensesSelect from drop-down menu
Conflict of Interest disclosuresRequired in both Japanese and EnglishRequired in English (Japanese optional)
(For papers already published and accepted)*3(Please select "Cover page" when uploading the cover page as a separate file from the Preprint (PDF))*3(A cover page must be created for the Preprint (PDF))*3
(For Translated Papers only)*4Declare that it is a translated paper in the declaration/presentation section)
(Please select "Cover page" when uploading the cover page as a separate file from the Preprint (PDF))*4
(A cover page must be created for the Preprint (PDF) and
include the following information at the title page of the manuscript)*4
- States that it is a translated paper
- Bibliographic information of the original paper
(Only when revising)
Reason for revision
Required in both Japanese and EnglishRequired in English (Japanese optional)
Preprint file display name
(“Galley Label”)

*1 The email address and country of residence of the authors will not be made public on Jxiv.
*2 The information on which author is the corresponding author will not be made public on the Jxiv site. It will only be listed on the Preprint (PDF) or cover page (if the submission is a published article, it does not need to be listed on the Preprint (PDF) or cover page).
*3 If the submission is an article published or a manuscript accepted by a journal, please attach a cover page with the required and supplementary information. For details on the cover page, please see section 1-2.
*4 If the submission is a translated version, please attach a cover page with the required and supplementary information. In addition, please include the required information at the title page of the Preprint (PDF). For details on the cover page and the information to be included at the title page of the manuscript, see section 1-4-6.

3-3 Creation and upload of Preprint (PDF)

Please upload the Preprint (PDF) created as a single PDF file. In addition to the required items listed in the table above, the manuscript must include all the content necessary to compose a research article. The manuscript must include the figures and tables.

When submitting a published version or an accepted manuscript in a journal, please refer to section 1-2. When submitting a translated version, please refer to section 1-4-6.

In addition, be sure to select "Preprint (PDF)" from the "Preprint and related data" drop-down menu. When uploading a Preprint (PDF), you will be asked to enter a display name for the file, please select "PDF".

3-4 Format and size of Preprint (PDF)

PDF must be provided in a format that allows text extraction. There is no specific format for the Preprint exclusive to Jxiv. Submitters should prepare manuscripts that comply with the standard style for submission to journals, etc. File size cannot exceed 20 MB.

3-5 Uploading supplemental files

Jxiv accepts ancillary materials in support of research articles submitted. Supplemental files can be provided in Microsoft Word or LaTeX format. Such ancillary files might include supplemental data (in any file format), and figures and tables that you wish to present as a supplement to the figures and tables presented in the Preprint (PDF). You can optionally attach up to 20 files (free file format), with a maximum file size of 20 MB per file.

When uploading supplemental data, you will be asked to enter a display name for the file. In principle, file names are created by entering the file format after "Supplement", such as "Supplement_WORD", "Supplement-1_LaTeX", or "Supplement-2_JPEG". When uploading supplemental data, please make sure to select "Supplement: XXX" from the "Preprint Component " drop-down menu. There are cases where "Preprint (PDF)" has been mistakenly selected for files that were supplemental data.

The file order can be changed in the file upload page.

3-6 Uploading cover page files

Please follow the steps outlined in Sections 1-2 and 1-4-6 to create a cover page and merge it with the Preprint (PDF). Once completed, select 'Preprint (PDF)' and upload the file.

*Cover page files can also be uploaded as a separate file from the Preprint (PDF) by selecting "Cover Page" on the file upload page.

3-7 Screening

All manuscripts submitted to Jxiv are subject to moderation. Submitter, the contents of the s (PDF) and Preprint Data will be evaluated to see if they meet the requirements of the Jxiv Submission Terms (https://jxiv.jst.go.jp/jxiv_docs/en/Jxiv_submission_terms_en.pdf). Only submissions that are determined to be appropriate for publicly available will be distributed. During the screening process, submitted content will be checked for at least the following aspects, including, (1) it is in an appropriate format as a research article; (2) it is of scholarly archival interest for the category represented; (3) there are no potential legal or ethical concerns; and (4) if there is plagiarized content or serious misrepresentation of data. If necessary, the manuscript may be escalated for consideration in the screening process.

Manuscripts that have already been accepted, published, or released in a journal are also subject to moderation. Please note that depending on the results of the screening, even if a manuscript has already been accepted or published in a journal, it may not be made public on Jxiv. Similarly, even if the Original Paper of the Translated Paper has been published or released in a journal, the Translated Paper may not be made public on Jxiv.

Preprints and Preprint Data are typically displayed publicly on Jxiv about 48 hours after submission (excluding JST holidays). However, it may take longer than 48 hours if there is a high volume of submissions or if there are issues with the content that need extra scrutiny as the screening process may take longer. Please note that the Jxiv administrator may request authors to modify or confirm the manuscript and the bibliographic information (see section 3-8), in which case the 48-hour distribution schedule will be recalculated from the resubmission date or contact date of confirmation of final verification to the release date.

3-8 When corrections are deemed necessary

If the Jxiv administrator deems that corrections are necessary before the screening process due to issues such as registration errors or omitted items in the Jxiv submission system or the Preprint (PDF), the Submitter must either:

- Make corrections as instructed by the Jxiv administrator.


- Verify and confirm the corrections made by the Jxiv administrator. (Corrections includes changes to files such as splitting and merging files, adding or replacing cover pages of the submissions, and similar adjustments)

The Submitter is solely responsible for all information entered, including any errors in the details registered in the Jxiv submission system and the Preprint (PDF), regardless of whether the changes were made by the Submitter or others. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that the Submitter thoroughly review and verify the accuracy of all submitted information. Once the final review is complete, the Submitter should contact the Jxiv administrator via the discussion function to confirm that the corrections have been made or that the corrections made by the Jxiv administrator have been verified and confirmed.

3-9 Inquiries from JST

JST in principle will contact the Submitter of the Preprint, but if the Submitter and corresponding authors are different, JST may contact the corresponding authors as well. In special cases, JST may also contact other authors affiliated with the Preprint.

4. Making Preprints public

4-1 Making Preprints and Preprint Data public

Preprints and Preprint Data are made publicly available on Jxiv exactly as uploaded by the Submitter, without any modifications or alterations. JST will not process or edit them in any way (except in cases where JST deems necessary to split or combine files). Readers may freely download the article and supplemental data and reuse them under the CC license chosen by the Submitter. Once an article has been made public, it cannot be unsubmitted or deleted from the system even if you wish to modify it. Whatever modifications you make, you will need to follow the revision procedures outlined in Section 5 after the Preprint is made public on Jxiv.

4-2 Unsubmission of a submission

If a submission has not yet been made public on Jxiv, the Submitter may unsubmittedt it by sending an inquiry through the "Discussion" field of the Jxiv submission system. In this case, the information of the unsubmitted Preprint will not be made public on Jxiv.

However, once the article has been made public, it cannot be deleted from the system for any reason.

5. Revisions

5-1 Cases for revisions

If an author or Submitter wishes to make revisions to their Preprints that have already been made public on Jxiv, all updates must be made while ensuring that the previous versions of their Preprint and its associated bibliographic information remain viewable. Overwriting revisions or corrections is not permitted. The revision process must be followed not only for updates to the Preprint itself but also for modifications to bibliographic information, such as author names and citation details, as well as for any changes or additions to the data associated with the Preprint.

As a general principle, Jxiv does not allow revisions to a Preprint after it has been accepted or published by a journal. Additionally, authors cannot submit revised versions that reflect the comments and/or changes recommended by peer reviewers, journal, or editors.

However, authors may create a revised version of their manuscript on Jxiv according to the procedure of section 1-2. Be sure to check with the journal submission guidelines or contact the journal to obtain any necessary permissions before making any revised versions.

5-2 Submission of revised versions

Only the Submitter can create the revised version of the Preprint. If you create a revised version, the reason for the revision must be entered in the Jxiv submission system (in both English and Japanese for Japanese Preprints). When uploading a revised version of the Preprint (PDF) or supplemental data, the display name of the file must specify the file name and version (if there are multiple supplements, clearly indicate them as Supplement-1, Supplement-2), such as PDF_ver.2, Supplement_WORD_ver.2, Supplement-1_MP4_ver.3, and Supplement-2_PPTX_ver.3. When you upload the new version, please delete the old version (this action does not actually remove the old version from Jxiv’s submission database).

The Submitter should enter the bibliographic information, including the reasons for the revision, in the Jxiv submission system. Once you have completed submitting the revised Preprint (PDF) or supplementary data, please notify us of the completion of the revision using the discussion function of the Jxiv submission system. Further revisions cannot be made to the revised version submitted once the notification is sent.

5-3 Version management and public availability

Even if multiple versions are generated due to revisions, all versions are under the same DOI as the original Preprint.

After distribution, all versions of the manuscripts and supplemental data cannot be deleted or made privately available at the request of the Submitter or authors for any reason. All previous versions of the article will remain publicly available and accessible, even if there are revisions to the manuscript.

If a revised version is generated, the revision date/time and the reason will be displayed publicly as bibliographic information on Jxiv.

There is no limit to the number of versions.

5-4 Screening of the revised version

The Revised version of the Preprint and supplemental data is subject to a basic screening by JST, in the same way as the original manuscript, to ensure whether the content meets the Jxiv submission requirements. Only revised versions that are determined to have no issues will be released. Revised versions are typically made publicly on Jxiv about 48 hours after submission (excluding JST holidays).

6. After the Preprint is accepted/published in a journal

6-1 After publication or acceptance by a journal

After a Preprint is accepted/published by a journal, all versions of the Preprint and Preprint Data will not be deleted or made private but remain publicly available in open access permanently as a pre-peer-review manuscript.

The copyright notice of the Preprint is irrevocable and cannot be changed after the article is published in a journal. Additionally, once a CC license is selected for the Preprint manuscript, it is irrevocable and cannot be changed under Creative Commons regulations.

6-2 Adding links to the published version

If the Preprint gets published in a journal, the Submitter must add a link to the published version in the Jxiv submission system. The link is created based on the DOI of the published version. When registering a link, please enter it from https, such as https://doi.org/xxxxx. Prefixing the DOI with https://doi.org acts as a URL.

7. Withdrawal

7-1 Withdrawal

JST may withdraw a Preprint or Preprint Data if it determines that the Submitter, or content of the Preprint or Preprint Data does not meet the requirements set forth in the Submission Terms or these guidelines after distribution. When making such decisions, we follow the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines (https://publicationethics.org/retraction-guidelines). JST has the sole discretion to withdraw Preprints.

Submitters and/or authors may request JST to withdraw their Preprints. Please note that although JST will review and consider the withdrawal request; however, the Preprint may not necessarily be withdrawn as requested.

JST may notify Submitters and authors of the withdrawal but will not ask for their consent.

7-2 Bibliographic information of the withdrawn Preprint

The withdrawn Preprint will remain public as is on Jxiv, but JST will add a cover page to the Preprint that clearly states that it has been withdrawn. If the Preprint has multiple versions due to revisions or contains supplemental data, all versions of the Preprint and the supplemental data will be revoked. All of the Preprint’s bibliographic information will remain publicly available on Jxiv along with the Preprint’s withdrawal notice, the date and time of withdrawal, and the reason for withdrawal. JST will prepare the statement on the reason for withdrawal.

7-3 Resubmission of withdrawn Preprints

Revisions cannot be made to withdrawn Preprints.

However, the same Submitter or author is permitted to resubmit the withdrawn manuscript as a new Preprint, provided that all the reasons for its initial withdrawal has been fully addressed.

In this case, the withdrawn Preprint will remain publicly available on Jxiv as is, and the resubmitted version will be assigned a different DOI to the withdrawn Preprint when made public.

7-4 Suspension of Preprints

If JST determines that the content of the Preprint and Preprint Data does not meet the Submission Terms or the provisions of these guidelines and is therefore inappropriate for public distribution, JST will withdraw and suspend the Preprint from Jxiv. JST has the sole discretion to suspend Preprints.

If a Preprint is removed, the Preprint and all versions of the Preprint and supplemental data will be removed and no longer available for access or download on Jxiv. However, all bibliographic information of the removed Preprint will remain publicly available with a clear indication that the Preprint has been removed, the date and time of the removal, and the reason for removal. JST will create the statement on the reason for the suspension of the Preprint. Preprints that have been suspended this way may not be modified and resubmitted to Jxiv as a new Preprint.

8. Citation Formats

Please refer to the following example when citing Jxiv preprints.

Kasuke Kagaku, Sakura Gijutsu, and Sabumi Kikou. 2022. JST starts operation of Preprint server Jxiv. Jxiv, doi: https://doi.org/10.51094/jxiv.xxx

Kasuke Kagaku, Sakura Gijutsu, and Sabumi Kikou. 2022. JST starts operation of Preprint server Jxiv. Jxiv, doi: https://doi.org/10.51094/jxiv.xxx, version 2

科学香助、技術さくら、機構佐文 2022. JSTのプレプリントサーバJxivの運用開始. Jxiv, doi: https://doi.org/10.51094/jxiv.xxx

科学香助、技術さくら、機構佐文 2022. JSTのプレプリントサーバJxivの運用開始. Jxiv, doi: https://doi.org/10.51094/jxiv.xxx, version 2