Jxiv is a preprint server in Japan that makes papers that have not been published and peer-reviewed (preprints) publicly available. Since 2022, the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) has operated Jxiv with the aim of supporting researchers in securing priority rights to their research findings, accelerating advancements in research and innovation, contributing to global academic progress, and enhancing public knowledge through the rapid dissemination and sharing of research results.
Jxiv offers researchers the opportunity to receive immediate feedback from the research community by making preprints public before or at the same time as their submission to journals. Jxiv accepts preprints from all research fields free of charge, and in either English or Japanese. The rapid dissemination of preprints not only accelerates the authors' research, but also contributes to the advancement of the research community as a whole. Authors can use Jxiv as a platform to publicly disseminate their research results unique to Japan.
Jxiv can be particularly valuable in emergency situations where knowledge needs to be made public and disseminated immediately, without waiting for publication in a journal. With a fast processing time from submission to public availability—typically around 48 hours (excluding holidays)—Jxiv enables the rapid dissemination of research findings to society. Preprints that have been made public on Jxiv can be revised at any time, making it possible to update the contents as needed.
Jxiv accepts preprints from all research fields, including natural sciences, humanities, and social sciences, as well as interdisciplinary content that transcends existing frameworks. Because the access to the preprints are not limited to one’s own area of expertise, they can create opportunities for researchers to connect and collaborate across disciplines and fields, fostering new developments in research.
In addition, since Jxiv’s use is not limited to researchers and the preprints are available in both English and Japanese, the platform facilitates the dissemination of research beyond academia. Preprints with significant social impact—such as studies addressing issues specific to Japan or expert knowledge that supports evidence-based policymaking—can be made publicly available to a broad range of readers through Jxiv.
Preprints made public on Jxiv can be viewed or used free of charge. In addition, preprints made public on Jxiv are assigned a DOI*1 and can be used for secondary use (reproduction, reprinting, etc.) as Open Access*2 content under conditions set by the author. If a preprint is later published as a journal article, viewers can find the final version through the DOI or other linking methods provided by the authors.
Preprints are papers that have not been peer-reviewed and academically evaluated and verified by researchers. Viewers/users should be fully aware that preprints on Jxiv are not the final published version of the article. In addition, news media are cautioned not to report the contents of preprints as conclusive and established information.
When submitting preprints to Jxiv, the submitter must consent to a screening process before their submission is made public on the site. This screening ensures that submissions meet the appropriate format for a research article, raise no ethical or legal concerns, and do not contain plagiarized content. Please note that once a preprint has been made public on Jxiv, it will remain permanently accessible and cannot be withdrawn or deleted. Even if revisions are made to a preprint, all versions of the preprint will remain publicly available. Just as authors continue to assume full responsibility for their articles after publication in a journal, the same applies to all materials made public on Jxiv. Submitters should fully understand the extent to which preprints made public on Jxiv will remain permanently available before submitting their manuscript.
*1 DOI: Digital Object Identifier. An international persistent identifier assigned to content such as articles, research data, and books, which functions as a URL to enable permanent access to the content.
*2 Open access: A state in which the content can be viewed free of charge and made available for secondary use under conditions stipulated by the author.